THELASTGOODDAYOFTHEYEAR- Today I had a guest helper. A six year old; Virtuoso best describes him. And in the last light of the setting sun we built a vignette, as I do. An homage to our day, as it was. We took a photograph to rememberer it.
And when our work was done, after we spun round and round in a chair full of stars, and danced wildly to Cousteau and Bowie, throwing confetti and sipping our particular dangerous teas….suddenly eyes appeared filled with big beautiful tears. “Dad? I know you have to sell this chair , but can I buy it from you?” “Well kiddo, I was going to sell it for $4250.-Do you have that kind of money?” “Oh.” Said the boy.” (With a long pause)”Can I give you this painting I made? -I love this chair so much. -It will always make me think of this day.” SOLD. For one mountain-scape with two trees, a waterfall, and a river.
by Arrow Ray Koharik on the last good day of the year.
Designed and handmade by Jason Koharik. 2013
- Price
- $Less
- Width
- 37"
- Height
- 41"
- Depth
- 37"
- Seat Height
- 17.5"
- Sold